Fire Borne - The History of Biodynamics in America - Culture War 1950s- 1960s
Date & Time
Friday, November 10, 2023, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Jean Yeager

Fire Borne - Anthroposophy in America - is a new book about the first 100 years of the anthroposophical movement including Bio-dynamic agriculture. Part II is two singular events from the culture war 1950s- 1960s. 1950 - Ehrenfried Pfeiffer forms General Compost Corporation and patents the Biodynamic Compost Starter and other "bacts.": He then goes to Oakland, CA to establish a municipal household composting project and creates various bacteriological formulas which are sprayed on farms in the central valley of CA. The second event is two Biodynamic gardeners on Long Island being sprayed with DDT. Mary T. Richards and Marjorie Spock sue the state of NY. Research they provide for the trial is published in the BDA journal by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. The story of this case results in connecting with Rachael Carson who included research from the BD Association in Silent Spring. Some of these documents have never been presented and this part of the BDA history reveals the courage it takes to be a gardener! 

The Past is the Future. The history of courageous BD gardeners who oppose pesticides and launch the worldwide environmental movement via Silent Spring. Oakland California - "The City with the Golden Garbage" - biodynamic municipal composting in the 50's. 

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