Fire Borne - Anthroposophy in America - Biodynamic Cultural Influences Expand 1987 - PRESENT
Date & Time
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Jean Yeager

Fire BorneĀ - Anthroposophy in America - is a new book about the first 100 years of the anthroposophical movement including Bio-dynamic agriculture. In 1987, the first Community Supported Farm/Garden took social threefolding into the American culture. In several yeras, there were hundreds of operations. In 1993, Scientific journals began reporting research that showed Biodynamics farms had superior soild health. Then in 1995 - Biodynamic wines burst into the scene and were praised by world reknown experts. Then a battle broke out on the internet and Waldorf schools in California were attacked and defamed. Biodynamic practices were also defamed. The Anthroposophical Society worldwide found itself in a culture war and had to create an international anti-defamation task group to defend biodynamics, Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy. Despite all of this, the American culture changed and made innovation after innovation.

"Imagine an agriculture experience that can inspire young people to pursue an agricultural path, both because of the private rewards and because of the social and economic respect." Jan Vander Thun, CSA innovator. "Imagine providing those with less in the community by allocating shares for their support." A CSA innovator. "Imagine a place where beauty is consciously provided for the members rather than pre-packaged cheeap food."

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