100 Years of Biodynamic Beekeeping
Date & Time
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Alex Tuchman

One hundred years ago, on Feb 3, 1923, a group of workers engaged in building the Goetheanum (the home of the Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, Switzerland) asked Rudolf Steiner about the difference between bees and wasps. Steiner’s answer to this seemingly simple question led to a magnificent series of lectures on Bees and the related realms of nature, concluding in December of 1923.
In 1923, modern beekeeping was about 50 years old, dating from the invention of artificial queen rearing which has become standard conventional practice. Beekeepers were modernizing and adopting new technologies quickly, using Langstroth hives, wired and stamped foundation, and feeding sugar.  In his lectures on Bees, Steiner warned of the short-sightedness of these new methods and predicted the collapse of honeybees if these extractive practices were to continue, which has since proven true. 
This workshop will start with an exploration of the spiritual foundations of biodynamic beekeeping through the lens of anthroposophy and the Bee Lectures and bring us up to the present day application of this wisdom with an in-depth sharing of the life-giving beekeeping methods that are taught and practiced in partnership with the Bees at Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary in Floyd, Virginia. 

Location Name
Meadowbrook I