Full Name
Constance Washburn
Job Title
International Spiral Journey Facilitator Development Program in the Work That Reconnects
Speaker Bio
Constance Washburn MA​ an educator, community organizer and program designer. She is a long time facilitator of Joanna Macy’s transformational Work That Reconnects.

The Work that Reconnects helps people discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action.
~ Joanna Macy

Constance is currently co-director of the Spiral Journey- a Facilitator Development Program in the Work That Reconnects and on the core Weavers Team of the Work That Reconnects Network. She is a founding member of the Elders Action Network and The Passageways to Elderhood Alliance.
She served as Education Director at the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT) and Marin Organic for almost 20 years. She also co-founded and directed, the Marin Agriculture and Education Alliance which brought together countywide agricultural and educational organizations to introduce Bay Area teachers and students to the wonders of local food and farms.

She has a MA in Education and Theater and taught and directed multi – cultural theater companies as her first career. She has certificates in the Ecology of Leadership, Permaculture Design and Transforming Business, Society, and Self from U.Lab MITx and recently completed a Community Resilience Model training in working with trauma. She is a mindfulness/ meditation instructor in the Vajrayana Tradition, a long time yoga practitioner and best of all a grandma.
Constance Washburn