Health and Safety

Your well-being is the Biodynamic Demeter Alliance's (BDA) top priority. Below you will find guidelines and suggestions for how to attend and participate in the National Conference and stay as healthy as possible while having an enjoyable experience.

We all know that it’s not fun to get sick at a conference, so let’s do our best to follow the guidelines so we can minimize the spread of illness during this time of the year.

Common Sense Public Health Directives

Please wash your hands thoroughly before meals, after using the restroom, and when you may be in contact with a large group of people. If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow and away from people. Stay hydrated and take time in fresh air at every opportunity to promote general well-being.

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

The BDA understands that vaccination is a personal choice and honors each person’s decision about whether or not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. There are no vaccination requirements for attending the conference. We do hope that all attendees will be respectful of one another’s choices and make responsible choices that include protecting their own health as well as the health of others, especially those who are most vulnerable to the negative impacts of infection. If you are vaccinated, please make sure your vaccinations are up to date before you travel. If there is a chance that you have been exposed to COVID-19, please consider taking a PCR or rapid test within seventy-two (72) hours of arrival to confirm that you are not carrying the virus. 

Local Public Health Regulations and Directives

The BDA will comply with all requirements from Colorado Public Health officials at the time of and throughout the duration of the conference. For up-to-date information, please visit:


The decision about whether to wear a mask is up to each participant. Attendees choosing to use masks should bring their own masks. The BDA will have a limited supply of masks at registration while supplies last. The BDA asks attendees to respect all participants’ personal choices on masking.

Experiencing Symptoms

If you are exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms, know that you have been exposed to COVID-19, or have received a positive COVID-19 test within 10 days of the start of the conference, please stay home. To transfer your registration to someone who can attend, please contact

Except in extreme circumstances, we are unable to offer refunds for conference cancellations after October 6th, 2023, due to our financial obligations to the conference venue.

If you become ill at the conference with flu-like symptoms, please isolate yourself in your hotel room or accommodation, and call the hotel reception desk or contact

The BDA reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time.  

*Up to date” vaccination status means that you have completed a COVID-19 vaccine primary series and received the most recent booster dose recommended for you.

We invite you to join us in co-creating a welcoming and respectful conference culture which supports a rich learning and community building experience for everyone. 

  1. Be fully present. Turn off or silence and put away your phone and other devices. Minimize distractions and disruptions for yourself and others. Be here now.
  2. Give and receive welcome. Say hello. Share a smile.
  3. Listen deeply. Listen not just to words, but to the feelings, ideas, and inspirations behind them.
  4. Stay curious and open. Ask questions. Practice inner inquiry. Expect and accept a lack of closure or agreement. Stretch your willingness to be uncomfortable.
  5. Make space, take space. If you tend to be the last person to speak, consider adding your voice sooner. If you tend to jump in right away, practice patience and listening.
  6. Share your knowledge, skills, and questions. Don’t expect that we all come with the same language. If you use words or concepts that may be unfamiliar to others, check in to see if an explanation is needed. If you don’t understand something, ask to slow down and clarify. No one knows everything, but together we know a lot.
  7. Speak from your own experience. Use “I” statements rather than generalizations. As you listen to others, understand that their experiences are unique to them, and your experiences are unique to you. Be aware of your biases and privileges, and allow space for voices that are different from your own.
  8. Embrace difference and diversity. Practice “yes/and” thinking, exploring how apparently contradictory ideas, observations, or experiences might be true at the same time.
  9.  Respect others’ identities, backgrounds, and boundaries. Listen to how people introduce themselves, look at name badges, and use the names and pronouns that people prefer. Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, cultural background, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Get consent before touching anyone, asking a question like, “May I give you a hug?,” and listening carefully to the answer.
  10. Take care of yourself and each other. Stand up, move around, drink water, step outside, rest. Offer support when you sense it is needed.
  11. Be aware of both intent and impact. Even though we may intend no harm, sometimes our words and actions can be unskillful and hurt others. Listen to what you actually say, not just what you meant to say. Recognize that impact is often different from intent. If someone tells you that something you said or did caused harm, listen, acknowledge their experience, reflect, and reengage.
  12. Call each other in, not out. When someone acts in a way that challenges your values, use it as an opportunity to invite or call that person into greater awareness of their impact. Be accepting that you might also be called into acting more skillfully. Let’s all help each other to learn and grow.

These guidelines were co-created by Biodynamic Association staff and the conference advisory committee, with inspiration from Soul Fire Farm, Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group, The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA, and Finding Our Voice